Corpsey-Corpse generates unique murder mystery games.

Create a sleuth and guide them through a crime-solving career, questioning suspects and collecting evidence.
Your actions directly impact the story in this text-based narrative. Can you solve the crime? Corpsey-Corpse is playable in any web browser or mobile device.

Sample Story

The Murderof BrenFrancoisCorpsey-Corpse Presents£0/8/6
The Murder of Bren Francois
The lawyer on the phone was well-known for his criminal defense work. “Mr. Battersby, my client has urgent need to your services. You see, Bren Francois has been found murdered. Yes, murdered. The police suspect my client, Annetta Gurney. I...

Recent Updates

15 Apr 2024: New story opening for occasions when your sleuth and the victim share the same occupation
12 Apr 2024: Adjusted the frequency in which people your sleuth knows will appear in a case. They were showing up way too often.
11 Apr 2024: New story reward: featured suspect in your next story
When solving a case, a new reward option is available to place a known associate (friend or foe) as a suspect in the sleuth's next case.
10 Apr 2024: Updates to the Brace Suspect action
9 Apr 2024: Updates to the Interrogate action
8 Apr 2024: Story templates
We implemented several distinct story archetypes, and these are now wired into every new story.
5 Apr 2024: New transportation methods
New options available for the Iconic Vehicle perk
4 Apr 2024: More objects in the game are now breakable
3 Apr 2024: Updates to the Brag action
2 Apr 2024: Added more obscure sports
1 Apr 2024: More illnesses added
29 Mar 2024: New story type -- Celebrity Crime Caper
Once in a while, most or all suspects will be celebrities
28 Mar 2024: Several updates to incidental phrases
Now even more unimportant things happen
27 Mar 2024: Updated the Assault action
26 Mar 2024: Added more body parts to all characters
Knees! Everybody has knees now. Too bad you can't see them.
25 Mar 2024: Updated all of the Primary Analytic actions
22 Mar 2024: New occupation for suspects: Student
This is a basic occupation placeholder. Down the road, well differentiate between different courses of study and institutions.
21 Mar 2024: More varied and interesting things can happen during meals
20 Mar 2024: More varied and interesting things can happen in fights
19 Mar 2024: Competitor scores are now displayed in real-time on the Sleuths tab
For Challenge and Pulp stories, the top competing scores of other players are now displayed on the Sleuths tab.
18 Mar 2024: Suspects are now more likely to fall back to their preferred conversation topic
15 Mar 2024: The NPC investigator is now displayed on the Sleuths tab
If there's an official investigator on the case, and it's not your own sleuth, this person is now displayed on the Sleuths tab for reference.
14 Mar 2024: Expanded topic of conversation
13 Mar 2024: When your sleuth is well-acquainted with a suspect, they can be reminded of the suspect's preferred conversation topics
12 Mar 2024: Content drop: Added several hundred additional names